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Blo last won the day on August 28 2015

Blo had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Locatie:
  • Motorizare
    525d 163 CP

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo


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Newbie (1/14)



Blo's Feedback

  1. galmati left Positive feedback for a topic   

  2. MCP left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    10+++ Recomand!!!

    Blo was The Seller

  3. adrian78 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    cumpar o janta style 66
    recomand, om de treaba!

    Blo was The Seller

  4. G Y L left Positive feedback for a topic   

    BMW e39 525d
    Un om foarte corect,sunt foarte multumit�

    Blo was The Seller

  5. ovidiu mm left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    recomand de incredere

    Blo was The Seller

  6. Genu left Positive feedback   


    Blo was Trading

  7. Tm50MOL left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    promt si corect,sunt foarte multumit,recomand

    Blo was The Seller

  8. Felix left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    Pret bun la piese, bine ambalate, de cuvant. Un mare domn!

    Blo was The Seller

  9. bau bau left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    un om de treaba Multumesc de volan

    Blo was The Seller

  10. thecreator88 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    vanzator serios ,recomand!!!!!

    Blo was The Seller

  11. cosmin_jur left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    Baiat de nota 10,foarte intelegator, piesele sunt exact ca in descriere

    Blo was The Seller

  12. cosmin_jur left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    Baiat de nota 10, comunicare excelenta

    Blo was The Seller

  13. Genu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    ca de obicei,recomand

    Blo was The Seller

  14. mircea_uwx left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    Mare om , mare caracter , daca ar fi toti ca el ar fi prea frumos

    Blo was The Seller

  15. ELF left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    Seful volanelor :)

    Blo was The Seller

  16. S L Y left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Piese si accesorii bmw e39... blo
    Excelent, de incredere si serios, recomand!

    Blo was The Seller

  17. fulvius left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    seriozitate maxima!recomand cu incredere...

    Blo was The Seller

  18. Genu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    normal ca recomand

    Blo was The Seller

  19. Genu left Positive feedback   

    recomand binenteles

    Blo was Trading

  20. AdiOrte left Positive feedback   

    Recomand. Blo e om de omenie! :)

    Blo was The Seller

  21. Gogu left Positive feedback   

    Un baiat de nota 10!

    Blo was The Seller

  22. acidutzu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Volane e39...Blo
    100% positve... promt si de incredere

    Blo was The Seller

  23. thecreator88 left Positive feedback   

    baiat de nota 10 +

    Blo was The Seller

  24. madax left Positive feedback   

    UN MARE OM! Multumesc pt increderea acordata!

    Blo was The Seller

  25. proffess left Positive feedback   

    De incredere, recomand.

    Blo was The Seller

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